March Meeting Agenda

As we are all trying to keep a safe social distance of 6 feet or more this agenda is something you can get “up close and personal” with. We had an excellent meeting planned with a full agenda and a wonderful speaker. I received many more Shares and Steven Hansen did four “Behind the Lens” for our Learn section. On a personal level, I’m in Utah with the family that is keeping me away from any casual shopping, just need to brace for that flight back home.

As we normally open our meetings with a prayer I’d like to ask that we all pray for those who are affected with this virus, for the gift of patience for those on self-isolation and particularly for our members who are currently suffering from an acute illness. I’d ask we be gifted with the strength to endure and the ability to see and share the beauty of the world through our cameras. I ask this in His Name, Amen

Our treasurer, Jim Evrard prepared several financial slides for our Annual Financial Report. The club is financial in good health. Last year we added the ability to pay online and ended the year with 87 members, 32 of which used PayPal. This year membership is tracking similar to last year with 66 members. Our 2020 budget estimated income of $1,475 with estimated expenses of $1,585. This will result in a projected loss of $110. Cash balance as of 3/10/2020 $3,877.

Activities chair Anne Mullins is backing away from organizing any additional day trips for now. The club did have several trips before Covid-19 and Bill Beard created an excellent video that you can see here:

Chuck has begun his Sunrise Sunset photo walks at East End Park. He has been posting on Facebook with reminders. Our SIGS are also going online. Chuck has added a video of the first Post Processing SIG, organizing Lightroom. Portrait SIG will also have some online information we are just not as organized or as fast as Chuck.

Stuck at home should be an excellent time to organize your camera equipment. We’ll be optimistic that we’ll have the May Program Camera Sell Swap or Giveaway so look for a sign-up sheet in April.

Kathy Adams Clark has given us several programs in the past and we are confident that she will be available for another meeting in the future.

The Learn slides from Steve Hansen are an insightful look at his thoughts and equipment for his shots. Steve has shared some of his performance photos in past months and these new photos are excellent. As he states in his Learn ” I love taking shots of individual band members while they are in the midst of a performance, especially those that are facially expressive”.  Impressive.

The Share assignment was “Framing” and you’ll find many great examples of ways to frame a photo that might be an inspiration for your next photo walk. You might be wondering where I am getting these assignments topics. In November 2018 Ken Fredrick gave a presentation and in it, he listed several “Composition Guidelines”. Rather than pick a subject, I thought concentrating on one of these guidelines would be more helpful in learning our craft. Your April assignment is “Leading Lines”. I’ll follow up with a separate News Post with helpful links for you.

Finally, I want to wish you all a Happy St. Pats day! Keep safe, wash your hands well, practice save social distance and remember your friends at the club. Reach out if you need something or just want to chat. We will endure and the saying goes “May you live in interesting times”!

Be well my friends, until we meet again! Kathy

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