January’s Speaker, Jay Mangum “Blending Natural and Artificial Light in Night Images”

Jay Mangum, a club member, was our featured Program Speaker this last month. His talk was on one of my favorite subjects, night photography. However, he added artificial light to his portraits to bring a more dramatic scene to life.

With some great equipment tips, fantastic night photos and photo settings he prepared us for our next trek into the wilds with camera and tripod. Some of his safety tips included checking the weather before heading out for a long hike. Bad weather can be really bad when you are in an open field with no cover. Carry extra flash lights and triple the batteries and if planning a long hike, check it out during the day for potential problems. Walking at night is so different than walking during the day. Safety first as we all want to get home with these award winning photos.

Jay was kind enough to let me post his PowerPoint so you can take your time reviewing and learning from his experience. Excellent talk by one of our own!

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