January Meeting Agenda

Front Row: Theresa Crutchfield, Margeret Molloy, Pam Walton, Anne Mullins, Ellen Taylor
Middle Row: Jim Evrard, Arlane Sponaugle, Angela Shepherd, Kathy Muhle
Back Row: Chuck Dugand, Don Rutledge, Mike Dunderdale, Jim Schepens
Missing: Maggie Halleck

Beginning a new year, a new decade and a warm welcome to our 2020 Team! The agenda has the 2020 list of board members and committee volunteers. And welcome to our two newest volunteers; Theresa Crutchfield and Mike Dunderdale.

Download the agenda to review all the club details. A short summary of some important information: We need a volunteer to take over the Club Store. Jim Schepens is taking on Programs and needs to pass this on to another club member. If you are interested please contact him at vp@kwphotoclub.com. He has it all set up with contacts and should not require a great deal of time or work for the new Club Store Coordinator. There is also a signup sheet for members to show an interest in areas that they would like to join our team and help. Please look for it at the next meeting or send me an e-mail at president@kwphotoclub.com to add your name to our list. We are small but mighty and appreciate all helpers.

Memberships are due for 2020, see details in the agenda or click down on the “Membership” tab on our Webpage. I want to thank Hospitality for working to have refreshments available at every meeting. They still have many months available so make sure to check the signup sheet at the next meeting.

Chuck talked about keeping us with our group via our website and our Facebook. Where any postings on our website have to be done via a board member. Any member can post to our Facebook with the exclusion of selling items or services and no politics. We are a social group that meets for photography only. Please respect our guidelines.

Workshops are coming, another topic that Chuck talked about. He will start the year with a workshop on Lightroom Classic and Mobile. He will go over basic information for new or old users. Lightroom is always adding new features. Additional workshops scheduled include: Know your Camera; iPhone Photography; Macro Photography and Children’s Portraiture. You’ll be notified via our Website and meeting when new workshops are scheduled. If you would like to be a workshop leader (always looking for new leaders and new topics) contact Chuck at admin@kwphotoclub.com.

Something new and exciting is coming and more details will be posted separately. Jim Evrard will be hosting a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Portraits. Jim has done several workshops on portraits with limited participation from attendees. With the SIG, you will be involved with setup, photography, posing. We are still working on the itinerary for these workshops. I have reserved the Kings Point Pool Room for the 4th Saturday of February, March, and April (Feb 22, Mar 28, Apr 25). Depending on the interest in this SIG we can add additional months as needed.

Activities are well underway for 2020. Anne Mullins has met with her team and they have many exciting outings planned. The first is actually happening today “It’s a Saints Day Outing” and what a beautiful day to have an outing. Houston weather at its best. Look at the agenda for a summary and our website for more details. An out-of-town trip that is coming up fast, Fredericksburg trip, March 31 to April 2. Each member must make their own lodging reservations and Fredericksburg is a popular destination so book soon to be included. The Eventbrite signup is on our website.

One last event that is coming up in February, a personal tour of the Baker Exhibit at Rice University with Darrell Hancock. Please watch for news posting regarding this event.

2019 Santa Photo Shoot

December was a really busy month and I want to thank Santa and all the elves that helped with our Santa Photoshoot: Santa, Mark Walton; Photographer, Emily Murphy; Photographer helper, Pam Walton; Outside shooter, Jack Shilt; Elves; Connie Emerson, Don Rutledge, John Gray, Margaret Molloy, Bill Beard, Bill Sim

Programs for 2020 are well underway. Though Connie Emerson has left the post she arranged for the first 4 programs. Jim is the new Program Coordinator and for the May program, he wanted to do something different. The May meeting will be the first-ever KWPC Sell, Sway or Giveaway for Photo Equipment! More information to come but start looking over all the equipment you have bought and decide if you can make a few dollars on it or just want to give it away to reduce your clutter.

Emily did an excellent job with her program “Life Cycles of a Butterfly and Macro Photography”. She has agreed to allow the Powerpoint to be posted on our Members Only Resource section. More on her talk with a separate posting.

Finally, a note about a long-time member Leon Guinn. He has had significant health issues in the last few years and is undergoing additional treatments. If you wish to have his address for a private note or would like to be included in any future visits please send an e-mail to admin@kwphotoclub.com.

Welcome, everyone to a new year with lots going on and excellent opportunities to get out with a group to polish up those photography skills or attend a workshop to learn something new. I hope to see you all this year at our monthly meetings. Keep your eye on the viewfinder and have fun.

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud

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