August Agenda Highlights

Our members enjoyed another successful zoom meeting in August. Logging in locally and from out-of-town to enjoy a few hours with our photography friends. Club news included updates on the newest and greatest additions to our web site, what pop-up activities to look for in the future, and a look back on our year to date events.

The members picked up photography tips from our guest speaker David Morefield of Fluffyshotme Fine Art Photography during his presentation of “Using White Balance Effectively” and enjoyed the Share and Learn segment “Foreground Mid-ground Background” with photos from 23 members. The meeting ended with the announcement for our Sept 15 program by Doug Sweet, Humble Camera Center owner, “Where is Photography Going” and our next month’s assignment “Man-Made Structures”.

The Agenda is attached for you to download and review. Have a fun Labor Day Holiday!

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July Meeting Agenda

We had another well-attended zoom meeting on Tuesday, over 40 members in attendance, and a record-breaking number of Share and Learn submissions! Wow, the club is showing that even with social distancing we can keep our social group active and growing. Thank you all for joining us and participating. And a big thanks to Chuck for his ever-impressive web skills, keeping our club virtually together.

Membership chair Pam Walton started the meeting by reporting that we had 5 new members join this month. We are now up to 80 members! Last year we started our Paypal online membership payments and with these virtual meetings, this has been a great benefit to keep our membership growing even without the person to person meetings.

Besides Membership, we heard a report from Activities Chair Anne Mullins. She is mindful of the current health concerns with traveling and social distancing so there are no formal activities planned for the near future. However, there could be some pop-up activities that will be posted on our web site or on our Facebook page. Some suggestions for a pop-up activity is a downtown architectural trip, local photo shot of Kingwood churches and within a 100-mile radius of Kingwood are many towns and sights that could be a quick day trip. Jim Schepens also mentioned a potential trip for next year to the Black Hills. Steve Hansen is currently in South Dakota and he was going to talk with Jim about ideas for that trip.

Chuck Dugand has been super busy during this pandemic. He has started a Wednesday Photographer Lunch with no agenda. Just meeting virtually with photography friends over lunch and talk about anything nonpolitical. This last Wednesday we talked about where our favorite places to go in our area for sunrise, sunset photos so he has created a google map under our resources. Look for his News article and Facebook article.

Another initiative of Chuck’s is a Mentoring Program. This is created to help our new and old members improve their skill in various areas of photography. We have had many members want to know how to operate their cameras or specific post processing issues so this is a start at bringing together a member with specific knowledge with a member that needs that knowledge. Checkout the Mentor’s Program tab on our website and let us know what you think of it.

Finally, Chuck also talked about the Post Processing SIG that has been ongoing. The lunch group discussed this and some suggestions were talked about to make it more interactive. Chuck does not want this to be a workshop so making it more hands-on is the goal. Look for more information from Chuck.

Jim Evrard talked briefly about the Portraiture SIG which has been badly hurt by this pandemic. Just because we cannot meet in person does not mean that each of us cannot practice portraits of family or friends. There are many good resources on the web and on our own resource page and we’ll continue to post articles on portraiture and lighting topics.

The August Workshop on “Re-envisioning your Image” is coming up. This is the final workshop of the series that Chuck presented (“Know your Camera” and “Creating Art”). He will focus on post-processing the image to tell the story we want to tell. Go to our website to signup for the August 1 virtual workshop. Now, putting out the hat for Chuck, he has done so many workshops and we are short a topic and leader for September and November. There are many topics that we have not heard from this year and he would greatly appreciate your help. Please consider contacting Chuck if you can help him out. Chris Summers is busy working on his October workshop “Children’s Portraiture” If you have seen any of his many posts on Facebook you know Chris has an excellent eye, that the portraiture of his grand kids are fun and expressive. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this opportunity to hear how to take great family photos before the holidays.

Our July program “Architectural Photography” by Joe Aker owner of Aker Photography was filled with beautiful visions of buildings locally and all over the world. Look for a separate post on Joe’s talk and a link to the program that Chuck recorded. The talk was very well received and you’ll want to watch the recording if you missed it.

Finally, the next virtual meeting will be on August 18th. Jim Schepens has arranged for David Morefield, owner of Fluffyshotme Photography on “Using White Balance Effectively”. David is a local photographer that I actually met several years ago in Downtown Houston while doing some night shooting. Very personable and knowledgable. It should be an interesting talk.

Assignment for next month “Foreground, Mid-Ground, and Background”. Look for a separate post on the next month’s assignment.

It was so good to see so many of you even virtually. Please be well, stay cool and keep in touch with the club by watching for the Monday e-mail blast or follow us on Facebook. Check out a Wednesday Photographers Lunch for some laid back conversation and group chat.

The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it.

Ansel Adams

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June 16th Meeting Agenda

Good job everyone who participated in our June meeting and sent in Share and Learn. I was traveling and not able to zoom in but thanks to Chuck he recorded Ken and Jimmy’s presentation for us to watch. The link below will take you to the youtube video.

The Evolution of Photography by Ken Frederick and Jimmy Hemphill

Chuck Dugand is doing the next two zoom workshops which are a continuation of his “Know your Camera”. On July 11th ( July 4th is a holiday so we opted for the next Saturday) Chuck will present “Creating Art – Rules of Composition”. Chuck will challenge you to think more critically about your photography using the elements of composition. What are they and how do they help engage your audience with your photo. Hint, one of these rules “Unique Angle or Perspective” is your assignment for the July meeting. So signup for a link for this workshop on our webpage. His last workshop will be August 1 “Re-envisioning your Image”

Chuck could use some help with these workshops as he still needs workshop leaders for September 5 and November 7. If you are brave enough to volunteer please contact Chuck at and share your photography passion with the club.

The club started two Special Interest Groups this year. Post Processing SIG led by Chuck Dugand and James Himanga is using Zoom to continue these workshops. They just held a workshop on June 18th covering plug-ins and /or stand-alone editors. Look for the next PP-SIG monthly meeting announcement for July on our website.

The Portraiture SIG led by Jim Evrard and Kathy Muhle meetings are postponed due to the COVID-19 closure of the Kings Point Community Center. Jim is planning on sending out portraiture information via e-mail, News articles, and Facebook in the meantime.

Activities are slowly coming back. Texas is still not totally open so there is a tentative painted Church day trip planned for the 27th of June. If interested please contact Anne Mullins at for more information and signup. Our last club activity was a day trip to the Cockrell Butterfly Center which everyone that went totally enjoyed. Anne said that the group included: Aurea Melendez, Margaret Molloy, Ellen Taylor Randi, Munsey, Anne Mullins and newcomer Aelyne de la Torre and Elaine Taylor. Bill Beard created a video of their photos which I will ask him to upload for you.

Finally, after our presentation and Share and Learn, next month’s meeting was announced for Tuesday, July 21. Jim Schepens has arranged for Joe Aker, owner of Aker Photography to present a program on “Architectural Photography”. Our Share and Learn assignment for July “Unique Angle or Perspective”! Check out the post on that assignment for some tips on getting unique photos or click the link below.

I’ve also attached the monthly agenda for your review. I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and hope to see your faces on our next zoom meeting on July 21! Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers!

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May’s Meeting Agenda

The shutdown can’t keep a good club down and new members from joining us. This month Pam Walton welcomed three new members: Marnpimol Collins, Monica Ehrmann and Joan and Thorro Jones. Very happy to welcome these newest members to our group.

In this month’s agenda you’ll find a refresher for our upcoming workshop, SIGs, and club activities. There is also a reminder that between meetings stay connected to our club by checking your Monday e-blasts, our Website, and our Facebook page. Many members have posted photos on our Facebook page, courses to take, locations to visit basically anything photography related. Let us know what you discover as you wander down the road.

Club sponsored activities are still focused on using Zoom for virtual meetings and workshops. Group activities are beginning with the first official group activity to the Cockrell Butterfly Center on June 8th. This is a members-only activity with each participant purchasing their own $10 ticket purchased online prior to June 8th. Look for information and signup on our Web site.

The next Library Zoom Virtual Workshop will be June 6th on Macro Photography. If you have an interest in macro photography this workshop could give you some guidance for your first step or your next step. Whether you are looking for an inexpensive way to begin or thinking about some macro lenses I try to cover the basics and beyond. How-to topics include creating a timelapse with your macro shots, focus stacking to get maximum sharpness, and setting up a studio by Michelle Pakron. Lots of information for you. You do need to sign up on our website so you can receive the Zoom meeting link. Due to the virtual nature this is also for members only.

Chuck Dugand’s Post Processing SIG is again virtual. His May 21st SIG is past but look for information regarding his June meeting. For Portraiture SIG, Jim Evrard is looking at June 27th for the next meetings if Texas continues to open. With portraiture it does not lend it’s self to virtual meetings. More information on that meeting shortly.

I mentioned the June 8th visit to the Cockrell Butterfly Center. Anne Mullins will also schedule a meeting of the Activities Committee in mid-June. Look for an e-mail from Anne and if you would like to join her committee you can contact her at

Our meeting also included two videos. Chuck Dugand created one with all the Front Step photographs, and really fun to watch. I had no idea so many creative people live around us. Chuck stated that Bill Beard gets the award for the most photographs. Bill created the second video with pictures from the Blue Angels flyover. Chris Summers stated this was a very popular event for us and we all set up at different places in the hopes of getting our shots of them flying over. I looked at my first shot time and last shot time and I had less than a minute to photograph them. We were staggered from the Los Cucos on I-59 to the Target in Humble and some over their houses. Great shots. I hope Chuck will put the videos on our Web site so you can all enjoy them. An interesting side note for the Blue Angels, one of the pilots graduated from Kingwood High School His parents still live in Kingwood! Check out the article in our local Tribune.

Our Share and Learn is still a vital part of our meetings and with the virtual meeting, if you have a microphone you can tell us all about your photos. Our speaker, Kathy Adams Clark talked about how she has kept busy during this isolation period. Our Share and Learn topic last month let us show how we are coping so it was interesting to see her perspective. More on her talk in another post. I’ve included the Share and Learn photos as part of the agenda as I’ve added notes about the photos or the member sent in notes on their photos.

Finally, our next virtual meeting will be on June 16th. Jim Schepens said the church is just beginning to open up so more on when we’ll be welcomed back in the month to come. The program that Jim has arranged is by Ken Frederick. A frequent speaker with us and this program is titled “History of Photography”. Ken is an engaging speaker and will keep you all entertained. Just a reminder that you will need the link to join the meeting, I think the link is going out to all members so watch for it a day before the meeting.

Next month our Share and Learn topic: “All about Texas”! The subject matter is up to you as long as it is in our Lone State. Composition still matters so think about the shot and how you want to tell the story. As I will be traveling these will be due Sunday June 14th. I hope you find time to get out with your cameras or just to enjoy the outdoors.

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs. Ansel Adams

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April’s Virtual Meeting was a Success!

Screen shot of members as they signed on

The Kingwood Photo Club has now officially entered the virtual world! This was a tremendous feat of accomplished by our IT Guru – Chuck Dugand! This was a formidable task and I’m sure I tried Chuck’s patience many times during the practices leading up to the meeting. As the meeting went very smoothly all the trial runs with Chuck definitely paid off. Thanks, Chuck! We are forever in your debt.

Chuck told me after the meeting that we had about 33 members at one time so a really good showing for our first virtual. I’ve attached the agenda for your reference and if you were not able to attend you can checkout the club’s activities.

A quick summary of activities and notices, past and present, that were noted in the agenda.

Please use our Website and Facebook to keep up with club events between meetings. With so much uncertainty, Anne Mullins, Activities Chair, is not formally planning any outings. However, as we learn more about how Texas will phase in a restart of our economy there will be pop-up activities posted on our Web page and Facebook. Hopefully, by the May meeting, Anne will have some ideas for the remainder of the year and she can have her activities group meet for a planning session soon after our May meeting.

Our Special Interest Groups are on hold. Chuck has conducted one virtual Post Processing SIG. Portraiture SIG is waiting till we can again meet in the Kings Point Community Pool Room. For the portraiture we are in need of models. Our model from last year has left Kingwood so if you have a suggestion please let us know at

Chuck is still planning our Library workshops with signups on our Website. Jim Schepens is presenting a virtual workshop on iPhonography in May. In June I’ll be doing one on Macro Photography that we think can be held in the Library, if not we’ll make it a virtual workshop. In October Chris Summers will present Children’s Portraiture. There are still 3 months that need a presenter; August 1, September 5, and November 7. If you’d like to share a photography skill with the public please contact Chuck at He will be most appreciative.

If you’ve been reading the articles that come out in our Monday’s e-blast you have read about our recent project: Front Steps. There is so much enthusiasm in our community for these photos. Chuck (our hardest-working member wearing many hats) still can use additional photographers to cover areas not currently covered. Our project will be featured on the Tribune’s Website and possibly in their Tuesday paper so we are looking for more appointments and don’t wish to disappoint any Kingwood resident. The time involved is minimal so please consider joining our group and bring some smiles to your neighbors. Go to our Home Page on the web site, click on the Front Steps Project button, and scroll down to see the photos that we’ve already taken. I think Bill Beard and Chris Summers are one and two with the number of photos they have already posted.

Our May program was originally all about members selling, swapping, giving away photography equipment they no longer use. That will be impossible with a virtual meeting in May so we are postponing this event. We also need input from you to gauge participation. Chuck has put together a small survey that he will post with a few questions. Once we get the results of this survey will be back with more information regarding this event.

Finally, our next meeting is on May 19th. We are planning another virtual meeting and our speaker, Kathy Adams Clark, has agreed to do a zoom presentation. She was our speaker for April and that meeting was canceled so we are very pleased that she could make time for us in May. Her topic “Lessons Learned in Isolation”.

I don’t know about you but I have cabin fever and looking at past vacations brings visions of future vacations. This leads me to the Share and Learn assignment for May: ” Vacation Visions”, where you’ve been, and where you’d like to go! More on that in another post. Stay well enjoy getting outside in our beautiful spring weather and an early Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms in the club!

The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!

Ansel Adams

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March Meeting Agenda

As we are all trying to keep a safe social distance of 6 feet or more this agenda is something you can get “up close and personal” with. We had an excellent meeting planned with a full agenda and a wonderful speaker. I received many more Shares and Steven Hansen did four “Behind the Lens” for our Learn section. On a personal level, I’m in Utah with the family that is keeping me away from any casual shopping, just need to brace for that flight back home.

As we normally open our meetings with a prayer I’d like to ask that we all pray for those who are affected with this virus, for the gift of patience for those on self-isolation and particularly for our members who are currently suffering from an acute illness. I’d ask we be gifted with the strength to endure and the ability to see and share the beauty of the world through our cameras. I ask this in His Name, Amen

Our treasurer, Jim Evrard prepared several financial slides for our Annual Financial Report. The club is financial in good health. Last year we added the ability to pay online and ended the year with 87 members, 32 of which used PayPal. This year membership is tracking similar to last year with 66 members. Our 2020 budget estimated income of $1,475 with estimated expenses of $1,585. This will result in a projected loss of $110. Cash balance as of 3/10/2020 $3,877.

Activities chair Anne Mullins is backing away from organizing any additional day trips for now. The club did have several trips before Covid-19 and Bill Beard created an excellent video that you can see here:

Chuck has begun his Sunrise Sunset photo walks at East End Park. He has been posting on Facebook with reminders. Our SIGS are also going online. Chuck has added a video of the first Post Processing SIG, organizing Lightroom. Portrait SIG will also have some online information we are just not as organized or as fast as Chuck.

Stuck at home should be an excellent time to organize your camera equipment. We’ll be optimistic that we’ll have the May Program Camera Sell Swap or Giveaway so look for a sign-up sheet in April.

Kathy Adams Clark has given us several programs in the past and we are confident that she will be available for another meeting in the future.

The Learn slides from Steve Hansen are an insightful look at his thoughts and equipment for his shots. Steve has shared some of his performance photos in past months and these new photos are excellent. As he states in his Learn ” I love taking shots of individual band members while they are in the midst of a performance, especially those that are facially expressive”.  Impressive.

The Share assignment was “Framing” and you’ll find many great examples of ways to frame a photo that might be an inspiration for your next photo walk. You might be wondering where I am getting these assignments topics. In November 2018 Ken Fredrick gave a presentation and in it, he listed several “Composition Guidelines”. Rather than pick a subject, I thought concentrating on one of these guidelines would be more helpful in learning our craft. Your April assignment is “Leading Lines”. I’ll follow up with a separate News Post with helpful links for you.

Finally, I want to wish you all a Happy St. Pats day! Keep safe, wash your hands well, practice save social distance and remember your friends at the club. Reach out if you need something or just want to chat. We will endure and the saying goes “May you live in interesting times”!

Be well my friends, until we meet again! Kathy

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February Speaker Mike Marvins “Texas – Central and Way out West”

Our speaker, Mike Marvins, was a treasurer. He shared some of his gorgeous photos of Texas, his journey and love of where he lives and what he does with his camera.

Having grown up in Texas he has a lot of memories going back to summer camp in the Kerrville area so he really knows this area. The slide show featured photos that he used in the two books that he has for sale “The Texas Hill Country, A Photographic Adventure” and Texas’ Big Bend, A Photographic Adventure”. Both can be purchased on Amazon. For those who bought on Tuesday, he graciously autographed them!

Mike talked about his method of photography and his default settings along with some post-processing tips. He always exposes them for the lightest section of the scene, usually the sky. He does this because it is easier to bring up the shadows than to bring pull down the highlights. If your histogram is totally to the right, you have blown out your pixels and will never get them back. His favorite lens is a zoom lens. He stated they get a bad rep but he keeps his on the camera and does not need to change lenses in the field which can result in a sensor cleaning for $100 or more. He likes the zoom for the same reason that I do, you have choices with composition. You can get a fairly wide view or zoom to the action or subject. I personally use my 28-300mm for most of my travel photography and even photographing the Wings over Houston air show.

Speaker Mike Martin at our February meeting

He shared stores of his wife driving him around and yelling stop when the scene is something that he has to capture. His wife is very adept at impromptu parking. In his slideshow The Texas Hill Country he talked about the Edwards Plateau and the beauty found there. The road “Twisted Sisters” is the most dangerous drive in Texas. The link below is an article about location and information about the roads.

The Edwards Plateau is mostly limestone and all the rainfall percolates to the underground streams that feed some of the most beautiful streams in Texas. Because these streams have a rock bottom they are clear and on a sunny day will have that beautiful blue sky reflection.

Another piece of advice from Mike, always have your camera with you and ready for that spontaneous shot. He explained that when doing workshops sometimes you pull over for a very short time. Participants that have huge bags of camera gear are still trying to figure out what lens to use still getting the tripod out and he’s telling everyone back to the cars. He doesn’t fool around so some may totally miss the shot. That is another habit of mine as my husband was quick to point out, my camera is always with me and I don’t keep a lens cap on so I am always ready for action.

Pam Walton talked with Mike after the meeting and asked if he would do a workshop for the club. He was very receptive to doing one, probably in the fall and will get back to us with dates so this would be a fall out-of-town trip. More information to come.

Mike was also very kind to let us post his two slide shows which members only can view in our resource section. These are mostly photos with some screenshots of post-process with before and after shots. Also, many famous quotes that he likes. It was a well attended and well-received presentation. Thank you, Connie Emerson, for arranging Mike and we’ll look forward to listening to Kathy Adams Clark in March. Another fantastic speaker.

You can also follow Mike on Facebook: Mike Marvins Photography

Below is one of Mike’s quotes from his slideshow:

Visual Ideas combined with technique, combined with personal interpretation, equals a photograph.  Each must hold its own or the thing collapses. 

Ansel Adams

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February’s Agenda

Book sales and signing with Mike Marvins

February is a new beginning for the club as we had our first meeting in the Fellowship Hall of the church. I had several members come up to me and voice their approval of the new room location. It is larger, lighter, a very large screen and an excellent projector. Hospitality liked the kitchen location off to the side and we had tables to sit at. Jim Schepens has reserved the room for us for all the months that are available so hoping we’ll see many more meetings here.

I mentioned the wonderful photos that were shared this month and it made choosing the header extremely difficult. Featured members this month are Connie and David Emerson with their owl photos, Chuck Dugand from the Humble Rodeo, Jim Tellijohann’s running cheetah taken in South Africa, Scott Meyer’s “Morning Flyaway” and finally two new members, John O’Brien and Ron Tribolet. Check out the post with our Gallery to see all the photos.

Last year I began a “Learn” section of our Share and Learn. This month I approached Chuck Dugand for his experiences with the Humble Rodeo. He has fast action in the ring and slow moments around the ring. Beautiful work as always from Chuck and it is a part of this agenda so take a look. The purpose of the “Behind the Lens” is to give other photographers a sense of what it took to get the shot or shots. From equipment to time of day to post-processing. It’s all there in a summarized form for you. I’m always looking for volunteers for a “Behind the Lens” so let me know if you’d like to feature one of your photos.

You’ll find a summary of all the club happenings in the agenda so if you could not make the meeting or want to refresh your memory take a look at it. The next library Workshop on March 7th is “Know your Camera, Photography Basics”, a new Pop-up Workshop on March 4th, “Building Websites” and we have two Special Interest Groups (SIG) workshops for”Portrait Photography” and “Post-Processing”.

For club activities too come, we have a day trip to Houston on February 27th “Houston Skyline Night Shoot” and an overnight trip to Fredericksburg from March 31 to April 2. If interested in Fredericksburg Jim Schepens suggested you get your hotel reservations done as soon as possible. More information is available for all these events on our website for members only. Ellen Taylor had a comment for all members that the activities are a great way to gain experience with your camera and on these trips, she has always found a more advanced photographer that will help. I encouraged members to join, reach out and meet a few people and enjoy time with other photographers.

Last months club activities saw our members taking photos at the Humble Rodeo. Margaret Molloy spoke very highly of the Rodeo Art Contest and as a teacher, she was in her element. There is a possibility that either she or another member could do additional photography in the future. Jim Evrard photographed the Humble Vocal Contest and he was amazed at the young talent that is in our area. Last year after viewing Steve Hansen’s rodeo photos I talked to him and asked if he could get our club involved, which he successfully did. So thank you, Steve, it was well worth the effort of all the members who participated.

Connie Emerson arranged our speaker, Michael Marvins and we viewed some exceptional examples of his photography from Central and West Texas. After the meeting, Pam Walton asked him about conducting a workshop and Mike was very open to working with the club sometime in the fall. Hopefully, more information to come. I’ll write a separate post about Mike’s presentation along with his Powerpoints.

A big thank you to our Membership team, Pam Walton and Theresa Crutchfield for the great job they are doing. On Tuesday they collected dues from an additional 10 members. If current members have not renewed by the end of March they will be taken off our member list for 2020 so please pay your dues by then.

Also, the refreshments provided by Ron Fovargue, Anne Mullins and David Emerson were greatly appreciated along with the Hospitality team of Maggie Halleck and Arlane Sponaugle. The Hospitality sign-up sheet still has many open months so please consider signing up next month as you treat yourself to a snack or drink.

Finally, I brought my big girl camera (as opposed to the big boy camera) to get some photos of our meeting. We really did have an excellent time. Look for my post on next month’s assignment “Framing”! Keep your camera at the ready!

no images were found

“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.”
Imogen Cunningham

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January Meeting Agenda

Front Row: Theresa Crutchfield, Margeret Molloy, Pam Walton, Anne Mullins, Ellen Taylor
Middle Row: Jim Evrard, Arlane Sponaugle, Angela Shepherd, Kathy Muhle
Back Row: Chuck Dugand, Don Rutledge, Mike Dunderdale, Jim Schepens
Missing: Maggie Halleck

Beginning a new year, a new decade and a warm welcome to our 2020 Team! The agenda has the 2020 list of board members and committee volunteers. And welcome to our two newest volunteers; Theresa Crutchfield and Mike Dunderdale.

Download the agenda to review all the club details. A short summary of some important information: We need a volunteer to take over the Club Store. Jim Schepens is taking on Programs and needs to pass this on to another club member. If you are interested please contact him at He has it all set up with contacts and should not require a great deal of time or work for the new Club Store Coordinator. There is also a signup sheet for members to show an interest in areas that they would like to join our team and help. Please look for it at the next meeting or send me an e-mail at to add your name to our list. We are small but mighty and appreciate all helpers.

Memberships are due for 2020, see details in the agenda or click down on the “Membership” tab on our Webpage. I want to thank Hospitality for working to have refreshments available at every meeting. They still have many months available so make sure to check the signup sheet at the next meeting.

Chuck talked about keeping us with our group via our website and our Facebook. Where any postings on our website have to be done via a board member. Any member can post to our Facebook with the exclusion of selling items or services and no politics. We are a social group that meets for photography only. Please respect our guidelines.

Workshops are coming, another topic that Chuck talked about. He will start the year with a workshop on Lightroom Classic and Mobile. He will go over basic information for new or old users. Lightroom is always adding new features. Additional workshops scheduled include: Know your Camera; iPhone Photography; Macro Photography and Children’s Portraiture. You’ll be notified via our Website and meeting when new workshops are scheduled. If you would like to be a workshop leader (always looking for new leaders and new topics) contact Chuck at

Something new and exciting is coming and more details will be posted separately. Jim Evrard will be hosting a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Portraits. Jim has done several workshops on portraits with limited participation from attendees. With the SIG, you will be involved with setup, photography, posing. We are still working on the itinerary for these workshops. I have reserved the Kings Point Pool Room for the 4th Saturday of February, March, and April (Feb 22, Mar 28, Apr 25). Depending on the interest in this SIG we can add additional months as needed.

Activities are well underway for 2020. Anne Mullins has met with her team and they have many exciting outings planned. The first is actually happening today “It’s a Saints Day Outing” and what a beautiful day to have an outing. Houston weather at its best. Look at the agenda for a summary and our website for more details. An out-of-town trip that is coming up fast, Fredericksburg trip, March 31 to April 2. Each member must make their own lodging reservations and Fredericksburg is a popular destination so book soon to be included. The Eventbrite signup is on our website.

One last event that is coming up in February, a personal tour of the Baker Exhibit at Rice University with Darrell Hancock. Please watch for news posting regarding this event.

2019 Santa Photo Shoot

December was a really busy month and I want to thank Santa and all the elves that helped with our Santa Photoshoot: Santa, Mark Walton; Photographer, Emily Murphy; Photographer helper, Pam Walton; Outside shooter, Jack Shilt; Elves; Connie Emerson, Don Rutledge, John Gray, Margaret Molloy, Bill Beard, Bill Sim

Programs for 2020 are well underway. Though Connie Emerson has left the post she arranged for the first 4 programs. Jim is the new Program Coordinator and for the May program, he wanted to do something different. The May meeting will be the first-ever KWPC Sell, Sway or Giveaway for Photo Equipment! More information to come but start looking over all the equipment you have bought and decide if you can make a few dollars on it or just want to give it away to reduce your clutter.

Emily did an excellent job with her program “Life Cycles of a Butterfly and Macro Photography”. She has agreed to allow the Powerpoint to be posted on our Members Only Resource section. More on her talk with a separate posting.

Finally, a note about a long-time member Leon Guinn. He has had significant health issues in the last few years and is undergoing additional treatments. If you wish to have his address for a private note or would like to be included in any future visits please send an e-mail to

Welcome, everyone to a new year with lots going on and excellent opportunities to get out with a group to polish up those photography skills or attend a workshop to learn something new. I hope to see you all this year at our monthly meetings. Keep your eye on the viewfinder and have fun.

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud

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November’s Meeting Agenda

We had a full meeting this month including our annual board of directors election. Congratulations to Anne Mullins and Pam Walton who were unanimously elected last night. Leaving the board in January is Connie Emerson who has been active for many years and will be sorely missed. The agenda had many items to review in addition to a mouth-watering talk by Chris Summers on Food Photography. I know I talked very fast but the attached agenda can be used as a reference for everything that I went over. It even has some updates from the meeting so let me know if you can catch the updated items.

Some highlights you will find in the agenda include: Membership fee reminder (January begins a new fiscal year for the club), Lake Houston Area Chamber featured photos from several members in their Community Guide and Directory, 2020 news about our library workshops and club activities, Santa Shoot Dec 14th and the Christmas Social on Dec 17th.

The agendas are a resource for you, a quick overview of club events, past, and future, to keep you informed and help plan your calendars so you can attend more events with the club. The events section of our website is where you will RSVP for a workshop. The Members Only section will have RSVP links for our day trips and out-of-town trips. One of the many perks of joining our social club.

We would love to hear from you about our speakers, assignments, activities or any other topic related to the club. Please send those to me at:

I would also like to say it was nice to see Leon Guinn attend last night. Many of you know the last year has been very hard physically for him and I must say he looked really good. Welcome Back, Leon! We do miss our members and just because you can’t be at the meeting does not mean you cannot contribute to the Share and Learn. This lets us know that you are still with us in spirit. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!

“The negative is the equivalent of the composer’s score and the print the performance.”
– Ansel Adams

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