Upload your Share and Learn before Tuesday Sept 17

August is behind us and we are almost to the final quarter of 2024! Our goal is to make each meeting an event you don’t want to miss! An important part of our club is the Share and Learn activity. This gives members a chance to share an experience, a trip, or a club event that they enjoyed. This month the theme is “Texas Travel Guide”. If you have done any travel in Texas I bet you have a photograph or two that you could upload to share for our meeting.

The attached photo came from a club trip in April of 2016, We visited the area around Fort Stockton, The McDonald Observatory, and Big Bend. That was the first trip for me to photograph the night sky. Below are some of the group: Rob Murphy (husband of Emily Murphy), Dale Barrack, and Helen Dugand (wife of Chuck Dugand) enjoying the beautiful sunset at the Painted Window.

Photos will be added to the PowerPoint so they need to be uploaded by 2 PM Tuesday. As of today, Jim Schepens is the only member in the Share and Learn folder. Looking forward to seeing your Texas Guide Photos! Your photos could be the inspiration for a club road trip!

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