Club members are invited to share up to THREE photos at our monthly meetings. We are getting good participation in Share & Learn so please limit your submissions to THREE photos.
The suggested assignment for each month change and are published ahead of time in the web site Gallery Section.
Photos for Share and Learn should be
- in simple .jpg format,
- We recommend using images that are between 1500 and 2500 pixels wide. Images smaller than 1500 pixels may appear blurry or pixelated when they stretch to fill containers, such as banners.
- We also suggest reducing your image “ppi” to around 100 since large High Res files use a lot of file space and are not displayed at high res on the web site, or by projection equipment anyway.
- Please name your photos using a title to describe what it is. The upload process to Dropbox will add your name to the image.
Please submit your Share & Learn photos to our Dropbox account at least 48 hours before our meeting date. The dropbox link can be found on the first page you see when you log into the website.: