Members Only: New Link on Welcome Page

If you’ve ever signed into our website the first page you see, our “welcome page” has several links. It’s where you can go to upload share and learn images each month, as well as event images you’d like to share. We just added a new button this page!

During our monthly meetings we frequently get requests after the meeting starts from people who can’t make the meeting in-person and who can’t find their zoom link. Since the meeting is underway at this point these calls can frequently be disruptive, and cause folks to scramble during an already hectic time. We added a link to our monthly meetings on the Members’ welcome page…scroll down. The link is the same each month so make sure you keep the one you are sent. It gets changed after the Q1 meeting (March) each year to ensure that only paid up members have meeting access. Since it remains the same each month, once you have a link that works, keep it.

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