January 17 Program: Great Places for Great Photos in Texas

Good photography does not require a lot of travel. Usually, we have a great advantage when photographing locally to choose the time, weather, season, and lighting conditions to get the best image. 

Our speaker, Greg Disch, could give us a presentation that would last for hours from all the subjects he has photographed throughout the country but for this meeting he will focus on our state of Texas.  He will show us that we don’t have to travel the world to get outstanding photography subjects.  Greg will concentrate his presentation on sites we can travel to right here in Texas.  Come get some ideas for your next trip! 

Our speaker, Greg Disch, began his photography career in 1977 with a 35mm SLR and pursued it vigorously as a hobby for several years before joining a local camera club.  He did well in the contests and became known as an excellent photographer in the area and began doing some freelance work, wedding, portraits, ball teams etc.

He found himself photographing things he wasn’t all that interested in photographing and all his weekends taken. So, in 1990 he decided to make a career change and became involved in the computer business.  Time for photography disappeared. 

January 2005, Greg decided to renew his photography interest and of course by this time digital was the way to go.  He is now putting to use his computer knowledge and photographic knowledge to teach and support digital photography through classes and workshops.  And unlike before, now his photography is based upon his love of the outdoors, nature, and wildlife.

Please join us for a photographic travel adventure through Texas.

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