New to the club? Been around but need help? We developed this page to answer your questions. If you have a question that isn’t answered here go to the bottom of the page and send us your questions and suggestions.  

If you ever have a need to contact one of the club officers please do. You can find our contact emails here under the “who we are” tab on the website. For Website, and communication issues, such as emails and meeting links contact admin@kwphotoclub.com

As a non-member there is a lot you can see on this website and do in our Facebook Group, as well as being welcome at our workshops.  We keep this content free and “out there” to hopefully entice people to join us as “paid-up” members.

Members are actually getting a lot more.  Try looking at the “Did you Know” section of the website just below FAQ’s.

Not only are you getting extra value but you are helping support our club and advance the cause of photography in our community..  Thanks in advance.

You can a lot without signing in, but there are several things that are available to members only. 1) Share and Learn image uploads to dropbox (see below), 2) Upload of event images, 3) List of our favorite photographer led trips and workshops, 4) contact info for your fellow members, 5) Access to our inventory of past speaker videos, workshop videos, and documents 6) a page listing member submitted photo locations around the Houston area.  Look in the “did you Know” section below FAQ’s on this menu.


A bunch of us meet online every Wednesday at 12:30pm.  The link to this event can be requested from admin@kwphotoclub.com. Once on our Lunch Bunch List you can reuse the same link every week, and you’ll receive reminders when we meet in-person once a month.  It’s a fun group that may talk photography but actually spends most of our time solving world problems. Join us. Its a fun way to get to know your fellow club members.

Members should be able to sign into the website.  We can’t allow anyone to sign on themselves since we have experienced some bad actors joining, therefore we sign up new members and send them a notice that they have access. New members have to set up their own passwords the first time they attempt to sign on by using the “lost my password” link and their email. We are not perfect, so you may not have received an invitation to sign into the website. In that case contact. admin@kwphotoclub.com.

Our email list is open to members and non-members alike. We use a service called Mailchimp. While our complete mailing list includes anyone who wants to get our emails, we do have a sub-list for paid-up members. Email is the primary way we stay in touch and it’s important if you want to be an active club member. Every Monday morning, if there is new information on the website, an email blast goes out to everyone on our list, including non-members. Periodically we also send out emails for members only including meeting links, locations etc.


You can sign up for our emails by looking in the right column of the “News” page on our website. When new members join we add them to our email list if they haven’t already added themselves, but again, since that is a manual process, we may have missed you. You can sign up directly here. If you are a member and are not getting our members-only emails it’s entirely possible that we forgot to add you to our members sublist. Please let us know.

Ever since the pandemic we’ve been using Zoom for many of our meetings, and have recently switched to hybrid meetings where you can attend either in-person or online.  Zoom has provided us with the fantastic opportunity to book speakers at our monthly meetings from far away places. Something impossible in the “old days”.


Some zoom meetings, such as workshops are set up as “single event” meetings and require registration, therefore when you sign up to attend you must register with zoom, and receive your own individualized link that expires after the meeting is over.  Event such as the monthly meeting and our weekly Lunch Bunch are recurring meetings where we do not require registration. We send you a link that can be re-used at every meeting.  Every month, for example we receive numerous requests from members saying they didn’t receive their monthly meeting zoom link.  If they got it last month, or the month before, its still good..  If you did lose the link, sign into the website and scroll down to the bottom of the welcome page. The monthly meeting zoom link is there.

Monthly meetings are “hybrid” meetings, which means you can use your zoom link to attend or come in-person to the Baptist Church on Woodland Hills drive at 6:30pm on the third Tuesday.

Every year we set up a recurring zoom meeting that can be accessed using the same link every month. We do this in March after purging our membership list so only paid up members receive the new link.  But our meetings are open to non-members, you ask?  They are welcome but ask that non-members register by going to our Events tab, selecting the next monthly meeting and registering.


For members we suggest you save your monthly meeting link somewhere you can find it.  One great way it to copy/paste the link into your personal calendar “location” field in a recurring event. That way even month when the monthly meeting arrives you can just go to your calendar and click the location.



Remember the link is the same every month until March of each year, when we re-issue the link after purging non-renewing members.

We conduct workshops on various topics several times a year.  These have migrated back to hybrid meetings where we meet in-person at the Kingwood Library, and offer a zoom link for anyone unable to make it in-person.

Workshop Meetings are posted in the Events section of the website.  You may register there.

We invite anyone who would like to to put together a workshop on their favorite photography subject to participate. We’ll help you get it scheduled and set up. Workshops are a great way to help your fellow members as well as expand your own knowledge on a given topic. Give it a try. Contact us at admin@kwphotoclub.com

Every month at our monthly meetings we close with a share and learn session where everyone who wants to gets to talk about three of their images.  Each month has a different share and learn theme, which you may follow…or not if you really want to share something else. The monthly theme can be found on our website under the Gallery link, here.


The sessions are totally non-judgmental and we only provide the feedback you request.  Most people just show their pictures and enjoy the accolades.  



Submitting your share and learn images is easy. Guidelines for sizing the images can be found here.  Submission is done in one of three ways. 1) There is a link to our dropbox folder on the Monday morning email blast.  2) Sign into the website and you’ll see a link on the first page you see after logging in.  3) Save the link to the dropbox folder somewhere you can find it and use it every month.  It doesn’t change.


Not everyone uses Facebook, and that is all right, but a lot happens in our Facebook group every month between meetings. We like to say it’s where we meet between meetings. Our FB group is open to anyone who abides by our rules, which are visible when you join.  Good clean, non-confrontational fun about photography.  Share pictures, ask questions. There are over 460 group members.  You can find us here.

A note about our FB rules…since we are a public group we do get people joining who do not abide by our rules.  If you notice a post that does not appear right, please report it.  We regularly remove bad actors.  Usually one strike and you’re out.   Its tooo much work to monitor everyone’s behavior we need your help.

We do use FB to post notices frequently about upcoming events, cancelations etc. We usually also do those things in eMails.

We have a garage sale subgroup on FB where you can find or get rid of used equipment.  You can find that group here.

    We’d like to collect everyone’s best event pictures after each event.  For that purpose we’ve added a link to our Dropbox folder for event images on the Members Welcome page when you sign in.  Scroll down a little from the top of the page and you should see a large button.

If you didn’t find the answer to your question, or if you have a suggestion, please let us know by using the form below.  We will endeavor to get back to you quickly.

if you aren't sure choose admin@kwphotoclub.com
enter any suggestions or questions you have

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