September Share and Learn “Fill the Frame’

Newly Emerged Monarch Butterfly

Posting this article from Austin so it will be short. In September we are going to “Fill the Frame”. The subject is going to make up the majority of the photos. If you attended our August speaker he gave an excellent program on macro photography. If you could not attend I’d recommend watching the video. Macro photography is all about getting close to the subject. As close to your subject as your lens will allow you. This will enlarge the image to show all the details of the subject. The list of subjects is endless, from flowers to insects to food to anything that interests you. You are only limited by your imagination.

We will be meeting in the Church and on zoom so your photos will be due by noon on Tuesday, September 20. Everyone is doing a great job uploading them to our Dropbox using the Share and Learn button and I thank you!

Take a look at the macro world and discover a whole new world to photograph. More on this subject in my next post.

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August 16th Share and Learn “Summer”

Staying cool on the beach

Summer is quickly coming to an end and schools will soon be starting the new school year in mid-August. Where did the summer months go?

So why “Summer”? Why not celebrate the lazy hazy days of summer. So many of my fondest memories growing up occurred in summer. From trips to the pool to the beach to watching thunderstorms and savoring the fruits of the garden! Fresh corn on the cob and tomatoes, yum! That is still a summer favorite.

The heat of Texas is not much different than the heat in Nebraska. The biggest difference is here we have climate-controlled houses, not so much growing up in Nebraska. I can remember standing in front of the window air conditioner trying to cool off.

What photos do you have that celebrate summer? Our August 16th meeting will again be Zoom only. Please have your photos uploaded using the “Share and Learn” button on the Club’s Monday e-mail blast by Tuesday AM. Before uploading please resize your photos for the Gallery using the directions on our website.

Summertime in the city anyone?

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July 19th Share and Learn “Your Favorite Photos”

San Antonio Zoo Hippo Pool

For the July assignment send me “Your Favorite Photos”. How many favorite photos do you have? Last month our program was on a photo printing service called “Fracture”. Printing photos on glass! What favorite photos would you want to print and display on your walls? Show us three of those photos and tell us why each is a favorite.

Your photos will be due by the morning of July 19th. The Share and Learn will be using the club’s Dropbox. I hope you will take up the challenge to review your photos and share some of your favorites with us!

My photo of the hippos was taken at the San Antonio Zoo during a thunderstorm. The hippos are usually above water but with the thunderstorm, they submerged and with the glass wall visitors could see them floating with the fish. A special moment during a family outing to the zoo.

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June 21 Share and Learn ” There is a Season to…”

A Time to Learn – 201304 Science Ambassador

This should be a fun assignment. Pictures tell stories of shared times, special events, love, sadness, celebrations, or just a quiet day. As I mentioned in a previous post this assignment was the result of listening to a song by The Byrds (my age is showing) “Turn! Turn! Turn!”. A few interesting facts, the song was originally recorded by Peter Seeger and later sold to The Byrds in 1965 who electrified it. In an interview with Peter Seeger, he stated the lyrics were taken from a passage in the book of Ecclesiastes (3:1-8). It has also been modified by Judy Collins’ in 1969, Dolly Parton in 1984, and in 2005 “Those Were the Days” and Vern Gosdin’s 1984 album “There is a Season”.

Songs can be inspirations for our photography or an echo of an event. Hearing a favorite song can be a time travel moment where we see the past. Seeing photos of a past event can be another time travel moment where we hear the sounds of that event. Each brings remembrance of a day in a different way, an exercise for our brains.

Below is an article on storytelling that I thought has some useful information on elements to include when telling a story in a visual way.

The meeting will again be a hybrid with in-person at the church and a zoom link for everyone else. Chuck will not be at the meeting so I’ll be depending on others for the technical support. I’m not certain if I will put the Share and Learn in the slide show as I’ve normally done or try to run it from Dropbox. So I’m asking that you upload your photos by Monday, June 20th latest, and don’t forget to resize your photos for the Gallery/Header. Chuck has instructions on the website and he includes the link to our “Share and Learn” button on his weekly e-blast. So send us down memory lane with your favorite stories, old or new!

Great photography is about the depth of feeling, not the depth of field.” – Peter Adams

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April Showers bring May Flowers! May Share and Learn “Texas Flowers”

Texas Bluebonnets in Black Land Gulley

Who doesn’t have hundreds of photos featuring Texas flowers! Driving the roads in spring we are treated to a kaleidoscope of colors from the bluebonnets to the red Indian paintbrush and Indian blankets to the pinks of Pink evening primrose to name a few. Yellow Sunflowers and Mexican hats flower after the spring flowers have been seeded for next year.

The number of Texas flowers is way too numerous to mention here so I’d encourage you to take a walk outside or through your photo catalog and share your stunning Texas flowers and maybe surprise us with some that are rarely seen.

The meeting is on May 17th in person and on zoom. Photos need to be in the club dropbox by the morning of the 17th. The weekly e-blast has the link for the “Share and Learn” on the right-hand side. Please resize your photos for the Gallery and Header upload. Chuck has posted resizing instructions on our web. Get out while the weather is nice or take some time with your photo catalog. But most of all enjoy this assignment! We’ll see you next month 🙂

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January Agenda

There is lots of information in the January Agenda. If you are wondering what the club is doing and has done in the last month click on the attachment.

I’ll also give a plug for Pam Walton for our membership renewals. We need you and we want to continue to provide workshops, activities, meetings. The agenda has all the information you need to renew online or to send in your membership.

Enjoy the agenda and hope to see you in February. We have a great presentation on Astrophotography by Richard Wiblourn!!

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February 15th Assignment “Street Captures”

NY City Flags and Pigeons

With the last pop-up a downtown walk I decided to follow that theme with the next assignment, “Street Captures”!

This can be anything that captures your interest in the city; people, buildings, statuary, animals, signs, etc. This should be an easy assignment and I hope to see some photos from the last club activity.

Below is an article that gives you some tips that you might find helpful.

Our next meeting is on Feb 15th. Photos will be due in our dropbox by Monday, Feb 14th, Valentine’s Day! Please follow directions to reduce the size of your photos, instructions by Chuck on our website. My next update will have more information regarding the meeting venue, in-person or virtual.

Looking forward to seeing your favorite street captures!

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Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2022?

Lake Houston Starburst through trees

From comments I’ve heard we were all ready to see the tail lights of 2021. Whatever your thoughts a new year brings us new goals, resolutions, and back to normal schedules after the holidays. So what is in store in 2022 for the photo club?

After our successful Christmas Social, I see us moving slowly back to in-person meetings. January will be zoom as our speaker is zoom. Connie Emerson will be posting an announcement on that shortly. After January our speaker’s preference will determine if the meeting is zoom or in person.

Anne Mullins has sketched out monthly activities for the first quarter and Jim Schepens and John Gray are putting details together for an overnight trip to New Mexico in October. One of the highlights for this trip will be hot air balloon ascents, an item on my bucket list that I’d love to cross off. We are also planning a closer-to-home overnight in Fredricksburg at the beginning of April for Bluebonnets and night photography. This is dependent on weather and spring flower blooms.

Workshops are coming with Chuck kicking off the year, getting to know your camera. I gave my grandson a camera for Christmas and he could definitely use this course. I’m planning a Night Photography Workshop the last Saturday in February in anticipation of the night photography trip in April. I also want to talk about using star trackers and hope to have some input via my husband Mike.

Finally, January Share and Learn assignments are coming up soon. Your assignment, if you choose to accept, Starbursts. It just so happens that I was featured in the Photo Bootcamp Magazine for a starburst photo that I entered. I was also the featured photographer in the magazine. I got an e-mail from Steve Hansen congratulating me on the article, with the holidays and all I’d not really thought about it. So thank you Steve for bringing it to my attention. I’ve linked the magazine below. I joined several years ago and it gives you the opportunity to have your photos reviewed in a nice way. You might want to look into the magazine for a way to grow your photography experience with monthly assignments and positive feedback for photos that you post. I was very honored that they chose me for this spread.

January meeting is zoom, please look for Chuck’s e-mail and reply to have him send you the meeting link. Assignments are due by Monday, January 17th.

Wishing you all a very prosperous and exciting New Year. May you record the wonderful world that we live in and the beautiful people and animals that make up our world. Make someone’s day by focusing on them. Happy New Year and hope to see you on the 18th.

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July Meeting Agenda

Chris Summers Winner of July Mini-Contest “Heat”

Getting all my uploads done early this month. I’m uploading this months agenda to share the information from the meeting to you who could not join us. Chuck will also upload a video of the meeting.

Check the Agenda for the Workshops, SIG groups and the weekly Photographers Zoom lunch.

Potential pop-up trips for August include the AIA Sandcastle Competition in Galveston on August 20-21 (weather permitting). Anne Mullins will not be available to coordinate this so if anyone is interested if you could contact Anne to coordinate the trip, Anne recommended an early day with lunch on the Strand.

The second surprise popup for August is a return visit of Union Pacific’s Big Boy on August 17th. This is the last working steam engine and the last time it was in Houston Mike and I visited it. What we noticed were all the pads under the engine to collect the dripping oil. So any opportunity to see this train running on the tracks has to be a must photo opportunity. Last time Connie and David caught some awesome photos close to their farm. More information from Chris Summers to come or you could search for the Union Pacific Big Boy announcement.

The Blue Angels are back for the 2021 Wings over Houston Airshow on October 9-10! Wings over Houston is selling early tickets at a discount and if you love to see these planes in action, have a new long lens to check out, this is a great event to attend. Chuck Dugand has already bought his Photo Pit ticket so if interested check with him for the date if you want company. Highly recommend it.

The August meeting was missing a program and speaker which gives the club the opportunity to have an open discussion regarding the upcoming trip to Rapid City SD. Lots to discuss and this will be followed up with a zoom meeting with the Rapid City Photo Club in early September. Steve Hansen and Jim Schepens are organizing this trip and it looks like we’ll have over a dozen members coming. Besides talking about SD we’ll also discuss the types of photography that are available (Landscape, waterfalls, sunrise, sunset, street photography) and answer any questions you might have. So all members should find this meeting interesting.

There will be no formal September meeting as most of the board will be in SD. Jim Evrard, our treasurer, is willing to host the meeting and we’ll try and see if any members can zoom in from SD.

Contest Gallery for July Mini-Contest “Heat”

July Mini-Contest “Heat” has brought the sun the last few days! Looking at the radar for today – mostly sunny Woo Hoo! Chris Summers was the winner with one of his two photos of the Namib desert. Steve Hansen thought out of the box with his “Hot Chillie” along with his “Spitting Fire” from Hawaii. Chuck Dugand’ chose his”Myanmar Evening” and “Arizona Sunset” to display heat. and I added a photo from the 2014 Wings over Houston “Shockwave – the only jet-powered truck”. Look closely, you can see the heat waves behind the truck, it was loud and it was hot! The last was also from Hawaii – Fire Dancer. Next month’s theme – “Blue”!

Thanks for all the support we have from our members. This club is here due to your support and participation. The board encourages any member to contact us who would like to volunteer to keep this club going! Thanks for reading this entire post and remember “Let your words be few and your exposures many”. Go out and enjoy the sun!

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January Meeting Agenda

Holiday food shots by Chris Summers

An excellent start for the club’s 2021 meetings with a fantastic presentation by Chris Summers and a review of activities to start the year off. If you didn’t attend the meeting you should listen to the program video Chuck made. The photos alone are worth a look.

January we had a board meeting to elect the current slate of officers for our club. We re-elected everyone to the same position as last year:

Congratulations to the officers. And, I’d like to thank each of them for all the work that they do.

Additionally, I’d like to thank all the members that serve as committee chairs and volunteers:

We are a social club and having members volunteer their time is a vital need to a successful club. My thanks to all of you for the great job that you do. We always have room for more volunteers so anyone interested in joining our team let me know at or check out slide 6 for the committee chair emails to contact them directly.

Memberships, a quick word about renewing. Chuck has posted several reminders and I’ll briefly mention that it is time to renew your membership. Without you the club does not exist so I hope you take a few minutes to go on line and either print a membership form and mail it in or pay on line via PayPal. Either one will work as we are not currently having in person meetings. Pam Walton is watching over this area and if you have a question about your membership please contact her at

Chuck has posted a video of the business portion of our meeting so you can hear the discussions regarding all the club activities coming up. The next Pop-up trip is Friday Jan 29th, at the Memorial Park Glades in Houston. This is a drive yourself event, meeting in the park parking lot at 10AM. The area has lots of picnic locations so bring your lunch for a socially distanced event. You can contact Anne at for information.

Our next zoom meeting is February 16th, You will need to signup for the meeting to receive a zoom invite from Chuck. Hope you can all make the next meeting with a presentation by a Storm Chaser. More information to come. Take advantage of the pop-up on Friday, looks like a beautiful day.

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