February 18 S&L Assignment – 1st Digital Camera

Chris Summers, President, choose a topic that takes us back to the future along with a need to review all our old photo folders. How many of us can remember our first digital cameras let alone find the photos? Some time in history, I had an Olympus micro 4/3rds camera that took great photos but I continued to use my film camera so I was not yet completely committed to digital. In 2008 I saw an advertisement for the Leica V-Lux 1 and ended up using it for years so I consider that camera to be my first digital camera and my film camera started collecting dust on the shelf. I loved how versatile it was, Leica is known for how sharp the photos can be and I finally found my muse.

It had a fixed zoom 35-420mm lens with 10 megapixels. I still have it and occasionally I’ll bring it as a second camera but I gave it up when I bought my first Canon 5D Mark II in 2011. A very light camera with great range with its zoom and the pictures were awesome. The picture above was taken along the Destin beach in 2009 and is one of my favorite photos. I took it to Alaska in 2009 and Mike commented on my small camera compared to the other DSLR cameras with zoom lenses that were on the boat. Little did he know that the comment led me to my first purchase of a DSLR and all the additional lenses and additional cameras that it would cost him later.

Weather permitting we will be meeting at the Kingwood First Baptist Church, 3500 Woodland Hills Drive, and via Zoom starting at 6:30 pm. Your old Zoom meeting link will work or watch for Chuck’s e-mail with the meeting link. Please check out your meeting link beforehand so Chuck is not trying to let you in during the meeting.

Chris has said if you don’t have the current assignment and have photos to share please upload them. Use the button on the Members Welcome page after logging in for the upload button. The assignment is any old photos from your early digital cameras. Have a little fun with the assignment and we’ll look forward to seeing your back-to-the-future photos.

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November Agenda

The holidays are done now I need to box everything up for next year and get busy with my normal routine. I do love seeing all the bright lights and this year there seemed to be more lights than in recent years. I apologize for being so late with the November Assignment. I was not at the meeting so I’m unsure what steps were taken from the original photo to the finished post-processed photo. We have some very talented photographers in our club and even beginners can look at the before and after and get inspiration from them. They say never through away your photos you never know what new processes can help save that photo.

I’m attaching a modified agenda from November with all the before and after shots for you to check out.

I’ve also included the modified agenda with the slides for Activities, Solar Eclipse, and the January program.

January assignment “Smart Phone Capture”. This was the most popular assignment last year so I’m hoping to see many of you participate this year.

The next meeting is on January 16th, 6:30 pm in person at the Kingwood 1st Baptist Church and via Zoom. Look for the Zoom link from Chuck several days before the meetings.

Also, a reminder for you to renew your dues. Chris Summers has sent out several reminders on our Facebook. Also, check our Website under Membership>Online Membership for payment options. Stay safe and warm, winter is here!

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October S&L Gallery, Agenda and Update Header

Photo by Kathy Doyle, Oct 14, 2023, Annular Solar Eclipse

I’m getting caught up with all my club postings for October before I’m sidetracked by anything else.

This month’s “Members Choice” assignment saw many of our favorite photos. Bringing back some oldies and some new. It is a very eclectic collection and I was surprised that many of the photos included people and pet photos. Landscapes and travel photos from all over the world, some sky photos including the recent Annular Solar Eclipse, and Bonnie McKenna included underwater photos and the picture of her sting ray that won a contest! Congratulations to Bonnie!

Two members posted for the very first time: Kathy Doyle and William Brant. Kathy was with Mike and me in Hondo, TX for the Annular Solar Eclipse! A fantastic event and one more event to come next year. On April 8th a Total Eclipse with the path of totality through the heart of Texas!

Our speaker, Kevin Loughlin, treated us to some of his beautiful photos of the Galapagos Islands and included interesting information about the islands themselves. Chuck has uploaded the video of his talk so you can hear all the facts and enjoy his photos. An excellent talk.

I want to thank John Gray for managing our Club Store. He sold the last hat at the meeting so the store is now closed. Thanks, John for all your help!

We had another good turnout, it’s always good to see familiar faces in person and via Zoom.

Check out the agenda for future events that are coming up including:

The Christmas Social in December

Election of directors in November

Contact information for joining our team

New functions for our Website

Proposed 2024 Activities and Trips

Finally, it’s time to renew your membership. The board voted to increase the membership fees due to increased costs for our Website and Zoom meetings. We felt the value to the club for Zoom meetings outweighed the cost. 2024 membership fees: Individual is $20 and Family is $25. Chris Summers, Membership Chair, will be putting out more information shortly.

The next meeting is Tuesday, Nov 14th. It is a week early due to Thanksgiving. The Share and Learn is going to be informative as we’ll discuss “Before and After” photos. I’ve posted an assignment that goes into what that means. I will not be at the meeting as I have the KPTA Annual Meeting on the same night but Tim will be the host for the meeting.

Be safe everyone, and enjoy the cooler weather, fall is finally here – at least for a day or two.

Thanks to everyone who attended! See you soon!

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Annular Solar Eclipse Viewing in Hondo TX Sat Oct 14th

The Annular Solar Eclipse is looking good for both Hondo Tx to view the Ring of Fire and from Kingwood where you will see a partial eclipse. Check out the Chapter 2 download to get additional specifics. If you want to join me send an email to president@kwphotoclub.com.

I’ll be sending out updates on Friday and also Saturday. The sunny forecasts have not changed for several days. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will hold!

Clear Skies everyone!

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Annular Solar Eclipse – Chapter 2

The Great American Eclipse, SC 201708

Finished Chapter 2 of my Annular Solar Eclipse PowerPoint!

This chapter talks about what you need to do and think about prior to and day of the event. I’m not certain if Hondo TX is going to be clear enough for the eclipse and will start posting updated weather alerts 10 days prior to Oct 14th.

I did go out with Kathy Doyle to help her with the mechanics of shooting the sun. It was good as I’ve added a few extra slides talking about how to find the sun. The filters turn the LCD completely black and only show the sun when you can find it in your viewfinder or Live view. It can be a challenge and you will appreciate having equipment that is up to the task.

There are several links to references, including several videos. I’ve also included the reference from Chapter 1. I would encourage you to look at the references as they go into more detail than I had room for. There will be one more chapter on Post Processing. We’ll see if I have any photos to post process :).

Hope the information is helpful. E-mail me if you have any questions, I’ve included my contact info in the Powerpoint.

Good Luck and I wish you all Clear Skies!

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Photographing the Annular Solar Eclipse – Chapter 1

I am getting ready for the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14th. I could not do the Library Series so I’m sending out Chapters on how to photograph the coming eclipse. You probably think you’ve seen more of the sun than you’d like the 100+ days are not for the faint at heart but I’d like one more on October 14th!

The attached PDF has the first chapter that discusses filters and locations that you need to consider now. The filters still seem to be in good supply and San Antonio should have enough hotel choices for you. I’ve also included resource links for more in-depth information. I’ve found that YouTube has increased the number of videos on photographing this eclipse. A month ago there were very few. Any of them should help you with planning and photographing. The next chapter will come out next week and will discuss setting up, camera settings, using a star tracker to track the sun, and anything else that I think will help. The star tracker is a new piece of equipment for me so I’m still in a learning stage. Mike is the expert. I’ll also discuss our experience with the total eclipse in 2017.

As I said, I have been getting out to practice – thus the photo of the sun from my driveway taken yesterday between clouds. After the second chapter is published I’ll set a time and date for checking my equipment at Lake Houston along Scenic Shores and let it be open for any who wish to watch and if you bring your equipment we can check it out.

Another current astral event – an astroid is visible now during the early AM. I’ll look for an article with more specifics and see if it is visible in Kingwood.

Chuck has set up a new sub-category on our website. When you click Resources you will see the new category >Astrophotograpy where I’ll be putting these and other articles on astrophotograpy. Thanks, Chuck for making this available to the club. If anyone has an article they would like posted, let me know and we’ll post it. Till next week.

Clear Skies everyone!

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October Agenda is Available

We are missing the playback of our meeting due to my error in recording. Not certain what happened but only the agenda was recorded, not the actual meeting.

There are several announcements that I wanted to be certain all members are informed of so I’ve uploaded the agenda for you to review.

In November there will be the election of two directors. Randi Munsey will be rerunning for her director position, Pam Walton has decided to leave the board (but not the club) so the director slate will be updated before the November meeting.

The second reminder is the annual Christmas Party on December 13th. We will meet a week early at the Church due to the Christmas Holiday the following week. I’ll send out a separate post regarding the food and events for that night. Last year we had about 40 attendees, club members are encouraged to bring their spouse or a guest. We had fun seeing people up close and personal after so many Zoom-only meetings so I hope to see you all on Dec 13th.

I’ve already posted the Share and Learn for November “Celebrations” so check it out.

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July Meeting Agenda

We had another well-attended zoom meeting on Tuesday, over 40 members in attendance, and a record-breaking number of Share and Learn submissions! Wow, the club is showing that even with social distancing we can keep our social group active and growing. Thank you all for joining us and participating. And a big thanks to Chuck for his ever-impressive web skills, keeping our club virtually together.

Membership chair Pam Walton started the meeting by reporting that we had 5 new members join this month. We are now up to 80 members! Last year we started our Paypal online membership payments and with these virtual meetings, this has been a great benefit to keep our membership growing even without the person to person meetings.

Besides Membership, we heard a report from Activities Chair Anne Mullins. She is mindful of the current health concerns with traveling and social distancing so there are no formal activities planned for the near future. However, there could be some pop-up activities that will be posted on our web site or on our Facebook page. Some suggestions for a pop-up activity is a downtown architectural trip, local photo shot of Kingwood churches and within a 100-mile radius of Kingwood are many towns and sights that could be a quick day trip. Jim Schepens also mentioned a potential trip for next year to the Black Hills. Steve Hansen is currently in South Dakota and he was going to talk with Jim about ideas for that trip.

Chuck Dugand has been super busy during this pandemic. He has started a Wednesday Photographer Lunch with no agenda. Just meeting virtually with photography friends over lunch and talk about anything nonpolitical. This last Wednesday we talked about where our favorite places to go in our area for sunrise, sunset photos so he has created a google map under our resources. Look for his News article and Facebook article.

Another initiative of Chuck’s is a Mentoring Program. This is created to help our new and old members improve their skill in various areas of photography. We have had many members want to know how to operate their cameras or specific post processing issues so this is a start at bringing together a member with specific knowledge with a member that needs that knowledge. Checkout the Mentor’s Program tab on our website and let us know what you think of it.

Finally, Chuck also talked about the Post Processing SIG that has been ongoing. The lunch group discussed this and some suggestions were talked about to make it more interactive. Chuck does not want this to be a workshop so making it more hands-on is the goal. Look for more information from Chuck.

Jim Evrard talked briefly about the Portraiture SIG which has been badly hurt by this pandemic. Just because we cannot meet in person does not mean that each of us cannot practice portraits of family or friends. There are many good resources on the web and on our own resource page and we’ll continue to post articles on portraiture and lighting topics.

The August Workshop on “Re-envisioning your Image” is coming up. This is the final workshop of the series that Chuck presented (“Know your Camera” and “Creating Art”). He will focus on post-processing the image to tell the story we want to tell. Go to our website to signup for the August 1 virtual workshop. Now, putting out the hat for Chuck, he has done so many workshops and we are short a topic and leader for September and November. There are many topics that we have not heard from this year and he would greatly appreciate your help. Please consider contacting Chuck if you can help him out. Chris Summers is busy working on his October workshop “Children’s Portraiture” If you have seen any of his many posts on Facebook you know Chris has an excellent eye, that the portraiture of his grand kids are fun and expressive. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this opportunity to hear how to take great family photos before the holidays.

Our July program “Architectural Photography” by Joe Aker owner of Aker Photography was filled with beautiful visions of buildings locally and all over the world. Look for a separate post on Joe’s talk and a link to the program that Chuck recorded. The talk was very well received and you’ll want to watch the recording if you missed it.

Finally, the next virtual meeting will be on August 18th. Jim Schepens has arranged for David Morefield, owner of Fluffyshotme Photography on “Using White Balance Effectively”. David is a local photographer that I actually met several years ago in Downtown Houston while doing some night shooting. Very personable and knowledgable. It should be an interesting talk.

Assignment for next month “Foreground, Mid-Ground, and Background”. Look for a separate post on the next month’s assignment.

It was so good to see so many of you even virtually. Please be well, stay cool and keep in touch with the club by watching for the Monday e-mail blast or follow us on Facebook. Check out a Wednesday Photographers Lunch for some laid back conversation and group chat.

The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it.

Ansel Adams

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June 16th Meeting Agenda

Good job everyone who participated in our June meeting and sent in Share and Learn. I was traveling and not able to zoom in but thanks to Chuck he recorded Ken and Jimmy’s presentation for us to watch. The link below will take you to the youtube video.

The Evolution of Photography by Ken Frederick and Jimmy Hemphill

Chuck Dugand is doing the next two zoom workshops which are a continuation of his “Know your Camera”. On July 11th ( July 4th is a holiday so we opted for the next Saturday) Chuck will present “Creating Art – Rules of Composition”. Chuck will challenge you to think more critically about your photography using the elements of composition. What are they and how do they help engage your audience with your photo. Hint, one of these rules “Unique Angle or Perspective” is your assignment for the July meeting. So signup for a link for this workshop on our webpage. His last workshop will be August 1 “Re-envisioning your Image”

Chuck could use some help with these workshops as he still needs workshop leaders for September 5 and November 7. If you are brave enough to volunteer please contact Chuck at Admin@kwphotoclub.com and share your photography passion with the club.

The club started two Special Interest Groups this year. Post Processing SIG led by Chuck Dugand and James Himanga is using Zoom to continue these workshops. They just held a workshop on June 18th covering plug-ins and /or stand-alone editors. Look for the next PP-SIG monthly meeting announcement for July on our website.

The Portraiture SIG led by Jim Evrard and Kathy Muhle meetings are postponed due to the COVID-19 closure of the Kings Point Community Center. Jim is planning on sending out portraiture information via e-mail, News articles, and Facebook in the meantime.

Activities are slowly coming back. Texas is still not totally open so there is a tentative painted Church day trip planned for the 27th of June. If interested please contact Anne Mullins at Activities@kwphotoclub.com for more information and signup. Our last club activity was a day trip to the Cockrell Butterfly Center which everyone that went totally enjoyed. Anne said that the group included: Aurea Melendez, Margaret Molloy, Ellen Taylor Randi, Munsey, Anne Mullins and newcomer Aelyne de la Torre and Elaine Taylor. Bill Beard created a video of their photos which I will ask him to upload for you.

Finally, after our presentation and Share and Learn, next month’s meeting was announced for Tuesday, July 21. Jim Schepens has arranged for Joe Aker, owner of Aker Photography to present a program on “Architectural Photography”. Our Share and Learn assignment for July “Unique Angle or Perspective”! Check out the post on that assignment for some tips on getting unique photos or click the link below.


I’ve also attached the monthly agenda for your review. I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and hope to see your faces on our next zoom meeting on July 21! Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers!

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