Our speaker this month is professional photographer Ron Niebrugge. Ron believes some of the most compelling wildlife photography includes the animal and the surrounding environment where the animal resides. It tells more of a story and adds an interesting element you don’t find in tight portraits. Ron is going to share many tips and techniques for making this type of photography possible. One of the things he likes about this presentation; you don’t need long telephotos lenses or expensive camera equipment to put these tips into practice. Someone with a cell phone camera can utilize these same techniques.
In 2002, Ron, along with his wife Janine, decided to follow Ron’s passion for photography on a full-time basis leaving comfortable corporate jobs for the unknown life of a professional photographer. Ron has never looked back!

Ron is pleased to have among his clients such business as National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, Walt Disney World, Smithsonian, National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service, Sony and Ford along with a number of large advertising agencies. Ron’s images have appeared in many books and publications including Sunset, Alaska Magazine, Audubon and Sierra Club Calendars, Country and Fortune Magazine to name a few. Aside from Ron’s own stock photo agency, Niebrugge Images, he is also represented by seven other stock agencies in six countries.
In 2010 Ron and Janine expanded their business and began offering photo tours in their home state of Alaska. Ron takes guests to his favorite places at the best time of year, taking advantage of his many years here as a professional photographer. Ron also leads many photo tours both in his home state of Alaska and throughout the US and Antarctica. You can learn much more about these trips at AlaskaPhotoTours.com.
Meeting Information: Visitors are welcome. We meet on the first floor, Room E112. Prior to the start of the meeting, we will have a member at the covered walkway door to direct you. If unable to attend in person, you may register for a Zoom link on our website, kwphotoclub.com. On the main page, scroll to EVENTS. Click on the April 18 calendar event and complete the registration information. A link will be sent to your email.
Hope you to see you!

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