Happy New Year everyone! We had a cold start to our new year but the Zoom meeting was well attended. Kathy Adams Clark narrated a stunning program featuring her marvelous photos. Good advice for everyone on finding that creative inspiration. Chuck has already uploaded the recording of the meeting on our Website. Kathy offers many classes, workshops, and tours and can be contacted at www.kathyadamsclark.com. Kathy stated she has been conducting international tours for over 20 years! If you did not attend the Zoom meeting check out her website for more information.

(Photo by Jim Telljohann)
For our Share and Learn subject, “Smart Phone Captures” we enjoyed all the uploaded photos. There were lots of comments, a few laughs, and many interesting details. These photos are an excellent way for members to get to know each other. We follow children, grandchildren, trips, and all those special occasions that you photograph. We hope you enjoy the gallery with the travel photos, portraits, landscapes, pets, and a few way back-when photos. Chris Summers (the new president of the club) has put together a year of Share and Learn topics. Check out the monthly topics for future share submissions. Next month “Your First Digital Pictures”! Mike already has his picked out from a camera that he gave me that was lightly used as I upgraded to a Leica! We looked at some of the photos and we looked so young, sigh! The passage of time, what can I say 🙂
You can copy these topics where you can reference them during the year and they will be part of each monthly agenda.

This was the first meeting after we elected the new officer slate in January. Congratulations to Chris Summers, as you’ll notice Chris is now President and I’m Vice-President. I enjoyed my years as President and I thank you for the opportunity to lead the club for those years. It was nice to sit back and enjoy a meeting – no stress :). Chris did an excellent job and I’m looking forward to the coming year.
I’d also like to congratulate Mona Bowman for taking on the Activities Committee Chair after Jim Schepens needed to resign for personal reasons. And to Jim Evrard our Treasurer and Randi Munsey our Secretary and welcome Jim Telljohann to the board replacing Tim Sullivan. Tim was an excellent IT backup at meetings for Chuck and promised he would continue to help him. And thanks to all our other Chairpersons; Connie Emerson, Programs; Chuck Dugand, Webmaster, Workshops; Ron Fovargue, Hospitality. If you would like to join our team contact the chairperson for the committee that interests you. We appreciate that more hands make the work lighter.
Look for future posts with the list of activities, workshops, and programs. Remember that we upload to the Web site but also on our Facebook page. We have a full schedule for the year but welcome any pop-ups you may want to organize.
Stay warm for the next few days, soon the memory of this historic snowfall will be melted away. (Blackland Gully sledding). See you in a month!

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